上一章节:Lesson 9:How many? 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 11:What do they eat?
Unit 1:Animals on the farm
Lesson 1:On the farm
Lesson 2:Cats and dogs
Lesson 3:Fish and birds
Lesson 4:Horses and rabbits
Lesson 5:Where?
Lesson 6:Can I help you?
Unit 2:Animals at the zoo
Lesson 7:At the zoo
Lesson 8:Tigers and bears
Lesson 9:How many?
Lesson 10:Where do they live?
Lesson 11:What do they eat?
Lesson 12:The clever monkey
Unit 3:Food and meals
Lesson 13:I'm hungry!
Lesson 14:Would you like some soup?
Lesson 15:What's your favourite food?
Lesson 16:Breakfast, lunch and Dinner
Lesson 17:What's for breakfast?
Lesson 18:The magic stone
Unit 4:Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Food and restaurants
Lesson 20:Hamburgers and hot dogs
Lesson 21:In the restaurant
Lesson 22:How much is it?
Lesson 23:How much are they?
Lesson 24:A little monkey
Unit 1:Animals on the farm
Lesson 1:On the farm
Lesson 2:Cats and dogs
Lesson 3:Fish and birds
Lesson 4:Horses and rabbits
Lesson 5:Where?
Lesson 6:Can I help you?
Unit 2:Animals at the zoo
Lesson 7:At the zoo
Lesson 8:Tigers and bears
Lesson 9:How many?
Lesson 10:Where do they live?
Lesson 11:What do they eat?
Lesson 12:The clever monkey
Unit 3:Food and meals
Lesson 13:I'm hungry!
Lesson 14:Would you like some soup?
Lesson 15:What's your favourite food?
Lesson 16:Breakfast, lunch and Dinner
Lesson 17:What's for breakfast?
Lesson 18:The magic stone
Unit 4:Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Food and restaurants
Lesson 20:Hamburgers and hot dogs
Lesson 21:In the restaurant
Lesson 22:How much is it?
Lesson 23:How much are they?
Lesson 24:A little monkey
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- 《流水》
- 《帝里》
- 《经故洛城》
- 《旧侯家》
- 《槐花》
- 《春日宿崇贤里》
- 《长城》
- 《句》
- 《题君山》
- 《题画建溪图》
- 《洛阳春望》
- 《下第》
- 《白角簟》
- 《落第书怀寄友人》
- 《洛水》
- 《留题张逸人草堂(一作杜牧诗)》
- 《长安惜春》
- 《野花》
- 《春闺》
- 《春望梁石头城》
- 《芳草》
- 《看花》
- 《早发》
- 《仆射陂晚望》
- 《览陈丕卷》
- 《闻友人入越幕因以诗赠》
- 《春风》
- 《费拾遗书堂》
- 《秋夕旅怀》
- 《春夕寄友人时有与歌者南北》
- 〖时光〗 “寂寂柴门村落里,也教插柳记年华。”
- 〖时光〗 “寂寞柴门村落里,也教插柳记年华。”
- 〖时光〗 “岁月匆匆留不住,鬓已星星堪镊。”
- 〖时光〗 “去年人在凤凰池,银烛夜弹丝。”
- 〖时光〗 “纵收香藏镜,他年重到,人面桃花在否。”
- 〖时光〗 “暗数十年湖上路,能几度,著娉婷。”
- 〖时光〗 “今年海角天涯。萧萧两鬓生华。”
- 〖时光〗 “记得武陵相见日,六年往事堪惊。”
- 〖时光〗 “游人记得承平事,暗喜风光似昔年。”
- 〖时光〗 “命随年欲尽,身与世俱忘;”
- 〖时光〗 “运往无淹物,年逝觉已催。”
- 〖时光〗 “白日何短短,百年苦易满。”
- 〖时光〗 “经年尘土满征衣,特特寻芳上翠微。”
- 〖时光〗 “九月寒砧催木叶,十年征戍忆辽阳。”
- 〖时光〗 “四十三年,望中犹记,烽火扬州路。”
- 〖时光〗 “已忍伶俜十年事,强移栖息一枝安。”
- 〖时光〗 “凄凉宝剑篇,羁泊欲穷年。”
- 〖时光〗 “今岁今宵尽,明年明日催。”
- 〖时光〗 “和戎诏下十五年,将军不战空临边。”
- 〖时光〗 “闻道黄龙戍,频年不解兵。”
- 〖时光〗 “三年羁旅客,今日又南冠。”
- 〖时光〗 “可惜流年,忧愁风雨,树犹如此!”
- 〖时光〗 “今何许。凭阑怀古。残柳参差舞。”
- 〖时光〗 “去日儿童皆长大,昔年亲友半凋零。”
- 〖时光〗 “儿女已在眼,眉目略不省。”
- 〖时光〗 “去岁江南见雪时,月底梅花发。”
- 〖时光〗 “昔年多病厌芳尊,今日芳尊惟恐浅。”
- 〖时光〗 “闻道阊门萼绿华,昔年相望抵天涯。”
- 〖时光〗 “忆昔西池池上饮,年年多少欢娱。”
- 〖时光〗 “回日楼台非甲帐,去时冠剑是丁年。”