上一章节:Lesson1 In the morning 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson3 All done!
Unit 1 Food we like
Lesson1 What do you like?
Lesson2 How much?
Lesson3 Where is the bread from?
Lesson4 My favourite food
Unit 2 Good food, good health
Lesson1 What do you like for breakfast?
Lesson2 A good lunch
Lesson3 We need a healthy diet.
Lesson4 Three meals a day
Unit 3 My day
Lesson1 In the morning
Lesson2 In the evening
Lesson3 All done!
Lesson4 I like to be clean and tidy.
Unit 4 On the farm
Lesson1 Welcome to the farm!
Lesson2 How many ducks?
Lesson3 The wolf and the little sheep
Lesson4 I like all farm animals.
Unit 5 At the zoo
Lesson1 The zoo is fun.
Lesson2 What do they eat?
Lesson3 A lion at the zoo
Lesson4 My favourite animal
Unit 6 My day
Lesson1 Days of the week
Lesson2 It's a school day.
Lesson3 A nice week
Lesson4 My Sunday
Lesson1 What do you like?
Lesson2 How much?
Lesson3 Where is the bread from?
Lesson4 My favourite food
Unit 2 Good food, good health
Lesson1 What do you like for breakfast?
Lesson2 A good lunch
Lesson3 We need a healthy diet.
Lesson4 Three meals a day
Unit 3 My day
Lesson1 In the morning
Lesson2 In the evening
Lesson3 All done!
Lesson4 I like to be clean and tidy.
Unit 4 On the farm
Lesson1 Welcome to the farm!
Lesson2 How many ducks?
Lesson3 The wolf and the little sheep
Lesson4 I like all farm animals.
Unit 5 At the zoo
Lesson1 The zoo is fun.
Lesson2 What do they eat?
Lesson3 A lion at the zoo
Lesson4 My favourite animal
Unit 6 My day
Lesson1 Days of the week
Lesson2 It's a school day.
Lesson3 A nice week
Lesson4 My Sunday
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- 《经故宅有感》
- 〖离别〗 “征马分飞日渐斜,见此空为人所嗟。”
- 〖离别〗 “一晌凝情无语,手捻梅花何处。”
- 〖离别〗 “长恨去年今夜雨,洒离亭。”
- 〖离别〗 “楼头小妇鸣筝坐,遥见飞尘入建章。”
- 〖离别〗 “话别情多声欲战,玉著痕留红粉面。”
- 〖离别〗 “握手一长叹,泪为生别滋。”
- 〖离别〗 “千娇面、盈盈伫立,无言有泪,断肠争忍回顾。”
- 〖离别〗 “镇日无心扫黛眉。临行愁见理征衣。”
- 〖离别〗 “木落山空天远大,送飞鸿、北去伤怀久。”
- 〖离别〗 “明朝又是孤舟别,愁见河桥酒幔青。”
- 〖离别〗 “去年离别雁初归,今夜裁缝萤已飞。”
- 〖离别〗 “空门寂寞汝思家,礼别云房下九华。”
- 〖离别〗 “长因送人处,忆得别家时。”
- 〖离别〗 “春水别来应到海,小松生命合禁霜。”
- 〖离别〗 “何处可为别,长安青绮门。”
- 〖离别〗 “乱离何处见,消息苦难真。”
- 〖离别〗 “今春香肌瘦几分?缕带宽三寸。”
- 〖离别〗 “望望不见君,连山起烟雾。”
- 〖离别〗 “谁向孤舟怜逐客?白云相送大江西。”
- 〖离别〗 “洛阳城东西,长作经时别。”
- 〖离别〗 “新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。”
- 〖离别〗 “谢亭离别处,风景每生愁。”
- 〖离别〗 “分明小像沉香缕,一片伤心欲画难。”
- 〖离别〗 “手种堂前垂柳,别来几度春风。”
- 〖离别〗 “送君九月交河北,雪里题诗泪满衣。”
- 〖离别〗 “此路无知己,明珠莫暗投。”
- 〖离别〗 “江上几人在,天涯孤棹还。”
- 〖离别〗 “风雨送人来,风雨留人住。”
- 〖离别〗 “河桥送人处,凉夜何其。”
- 〖离别〗 “送行无酒亦无钱,劝尔一杯菩萨泉。”