上一章节:Lesson3 A lion at the zoo 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Unit 6 My day
Unit 1 Food we like
Lesson1 What do you like?
Lesson2 How much?
Lesson3 Where is the bread from?
Lesson4 My favourite food
Unit 2 Good food, good health
Lesson1 What do you like for breakfast?
Lesson2 A good lunch
Lesson3 We need a healthy diet.
Lesson4 Three meals a day
Unit 3 My day
Lesson1 In the morning
Lesson2 In the evening
Lesson3 All done!
Lesson4 I like to be clean and tidy.
Unit 4 On the farm
Lesson1 Welcome to the farm!
Lesson2 How many ducks?
Lesson3 The wolf and the little sheep
Lesson4 I like all farm animals.
Unit 5 At the zoo
Lesson1 The zoo is fun.
Lesson2 What do they eat?
Lesson3 A lion at the zoo
Lesson4 My favourite animal
Unit 6 My day
Lesson1 Days of the week
Lesson2 It's a school day.
Lesson3 A nice week
Lesson4 My Sunday
Lesson1 What do you like?
Lesson2 How much?
Lesson3 Where is the bread from?
Lesson4 My favourite food
Unit 2 Good food, good health
Lesson1 What do you like for breakfast?
Lesson2 A good lunch
Lesson3 We need a healthy diet.
Lesson4 Three meals a day
Unit 3 My day
Lesson1 In the morning
Lesson2 In the evening
Lesson3 All done!
Lesson4 I like to be clean and tidy.
Unit 4 On the farm
Lesson1 Welcome to the farm!
Lesson2 How many ducks?
Lesson3 The wolf and the little sheep
Lesson4 I like all farm animals.
Unit 5 At the zoo
Lesson1 The zoo is fun.
Lesson2 What do they eat?
Lesson3 A lion at the zoo
Lesson4 My favourite animal
Unit 6 My day
Lesson1 Days of the week
Lesson2 It's a school day.
Lesson3 A nice week
Lesson4 My Sunday
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- 〖思乡〗 “年年跃马长安市。客舍似家家似寄。”