上一章节:An interview 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 1 My family photo
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
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- 《清平调·名花倾国两相欢》
- 《塞上曲·其一》
- 《感遇·其二》
- 《感遇十二首·其四》
- 《初晴游沧浪亭》
- 《咏傀儡》
- 《柳枝词》
- 《蜀道难·其二》
- 《咏早梅 / 扬州法曹梅花盛开》
- 《梅花落》
- 《酌贪泉》
- 《读山海经·其一》
- 《归园田居·其三》
- 《咏史·郁郁涧底松》
- 《春游湖》
- 《纳凉》
- 《春日》
- 《寄内》
- 《赠刘景文》
- 《城南》
- 《暑旱苦热》
- 《春日偶成》
- 《梅花 / 梅》
- 《丰乐亭游春·其三》
- 《游园不值》
- 《新凉》
- 《立春偶成》
- 《宿新市徐公店》
- 《初入淮河四绝句·其三》
- 《州桥》
- 〖中秋节〗 “天上若无修月户,桂枝撑损向西轮。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “古往今来只如此,牛山何必独沾衣。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “我来不得意,虚过重阳时。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “九月九日望乡台,他席他乡送客杯。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “菊花何太苦,遭此两重阳?”
- 〖重阳节〗 “他乡共酌金花酒,万里同悲鸿雁天。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “衰柳寒蝉一片愁,谁肯教白衣送酒?”
- 〖重阳节〗 “落帽醉山月,空歌怀友生。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “竹叶于人既无分,菊花从此不须开。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “三载重阳菊,开时不在家。”
- 〖爱情〗 “我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。”
- 〖爱情〗 “山无陵,天地合,乃敢与君绝!”
- 〖爱情〗 “愿得一人心,白首不相离。”
- 〖爱情〗 “得成比目何辞死,愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。”
- 〖爱情〗 “身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。”
- 〖爱情〗 “天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。”
- 〖思念〗 “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”
- 〖爱情〗 “曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。”
- 〖爱情〗 “取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。”
- 〖爱情〗 “东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。”
- 〖思念〗 “春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰!”
- 〖离别〗 “蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。”
- 〖思念〗 “愿君多采撷,此物最相思。”
- 〖爱情〗 “一枝红艳露凝香,云雨巫山枉断肠。”
- 〖思念〗 “衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”
- 〖思乡〗 “往事已成空,还如一梦中。”
- 〖爱情〗 “知我意,感君怜,此情须问天。”
- 〖爱情〗 “相见争如不见,有情何似无情。”