上一章节:We have many holidays! 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
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- 人教版七年级上册英语
- 人教版七年级下册数学
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- 高三艺术选择性必修4 戏剧创编与表演
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- 高一艺术必修3 艺术与科学
- 高二音乐选择性必修6 视唱练耳
- 高三美术选择性必修5 工艺
- 高二音乐选择性必修2 合奏
- 高一美术选择性必修1 绘画
- 高一音乐必修4 音乐编创
- 高二美术选择性必修4 设计
- 高二音乐选择性必修6 视唱练耳
- 高一美术必修 美术鉴赏
- 高二音乐选择性必修2 合奏
- 高二美术选择性必修3 雕塑
- 高一音乐必修4 音乐编创
- 《生民》
- 《灵台》
- 《旱麓》
- 《大明》
- 《苕之华》
- 《绵蛮》
- 《黍苗》
- 《菀柳》
- 《鱼藻》
- 《车舝》
- 《思文》
- 《我将》
- 《烈文》
- 《清庙》
- 《常武》
- 《烝民》
- 《桑柔》
- 《板》
- 《泂酌》
- 《凫鹥》
- 《殷武》
- 《烈祖》
- 《泮水》
- 《般》
- 《酌》
- 《载芟》
- 《访落》
- 《有客》
- 《潜》
- 《振鹭》
- 〖思念〗 “相思休问定何如。情知春去后,管得落花无。”
- 〖思念〗 “目送征鸿飞杳杳,思随流水去茫茫。”
- 〖思念〗 “一别家山音信杳,百种相思,肠断何时了。”
- 〖思念〗 “梦回芳草思依依,天远雁声稀。”
- 〖思念〗 “几度思归还把酒,拂云堆上祝明妃。”
- 〖思念〗 “已恨碧山相阻隔,碧山还被暮云遮。”
- 〖思念〗 “徘徊将何见?忧思独伤心。”
- 〖思念〗 “青山朝别暮还见,嘶马出门思旧乡。”
- 〖思念〗 “寒灯思旧事,断雁警愁眠。”
- 〖思念〗 “一日不思量,也攒眉千度。”
- 〖思念〗 “梦里相思,故国王孙路。”
- 〖思念〗 “谁见汀洲上,相思愁白蘋.。”
- 〖思念〗 “汀洲无浪复无烟,楚客相思益渺然。”
- 〖思念〗 “不忍登高临远,望故乡渺邈,归思难收。”
- 〖思念〗 “竹坞无尘水槛清,相思迢递隔重城。”
- 〖思念〗 “恨入空帷鸾影独,泪凝双脸渚莲光,薄情年少悔思量。”
- 〖思念〗 “梅似雪,柳如丝。试听别语慰相思。”
- 〖思念〗 “纵明月相思千里隔。梦咫尺。勤书尺。”
- 〖思念〗 “抛家傍路,思量却是,无情有思。”
- 〖思念〗 “江南几日又天涯,谁与寄相思?”
- 〖思念〗 “不堪肠断思乡处,红槿花中越鸟啼。”
- 〖思念〗 “贱妾茕茕守空房,忧来思君不敢忘,不觉泪下沾衣裳。”
- 〖思念〗 “惟有楼前流水,应念我、终日凝眸。”
- 〖思念〗 “困倚危楼。过尽飞鸿字字愁。”
- 〖思念〗 “为问元戎窦车骑,何时返旆勒燕然。”
- 〖思念〗 “独倚阑干凝望远。一川烟草平如剪。”
- 〖思念〗 “子规啼,不如归,道是春归人未归。”
- 〖思念〗 “登舟望秋月,空忆谢将军。”
- 〖思念〗 “一去无消息,那能惜马蹄。”
- 〖思念〗 “萋萋芳草忆王孙。柳外楼高空断魂。”