Unit 1:Spring is coming!
Lesson 1:How's the weather?
Lesson 2:It's getting warmer!
Lesson 3:The sun is rising
Lesson 4:The spring city
Lesson5:Babysitting on a Spring Day
Lesson 6:Stories about spring
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Plant a plant!
Lesson 7:Planting trees
Lesson 8:Why are plants important?
Lesson 9:Gardening with Mary
Lesson 10:Make your garden grow!
Lesson 11:Amazing plants
Lesson 12:Danny's plant
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Animals are our friends
Lesson 13:Danny's big scare
Lesson 14:Amazing animals
Lesson 15:The zoo is open
Lesson 16:The bear escaped!
Lesson 17:Save the tigers
Lesson 18:Friendship between animals
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:The internet connects us
Lesson 19:How do you use the internet?
Lesson 20:A computer helps!
Lesson 21:Books or computers?
Lesson 22:Travel on the internet
Lesson 23:The internet - good or bad?
Lesson 24:An E-mail to Grandpa
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Buying and selling
Lesson 25:Raising money
Lesson 26:Cookies,please!
Lesson 27:Business English
Lesson 28:Mr. Liu's great idea
Lesson 29:How to push a product
Lesson 30:A cookie sale
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Be a champion!
Lesson 31:Don't fall,Danny!
Lesson 32:My favourite record
Lesson 33:2800 years of sports
Lesson 34:Modern Olympics
Lesson 35:The dream team
Lesson 36:Classroom Olympics
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Know our world
Lesson 37:Let's learn geography!
Lesson 38:The world is a big place
Lesson 39:Ring up or call?
Lesson 40:Body language
Lesson 41:A class of the world
Lesson 42:North America
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Save our world
Lesson 43:Let's clean up!
Lesson 44:Environment clubs
Lesson 45:Let's sort garbage!
Lesson 46:Protect our environment
Lesson 46:Connected to nature
Lesson 48:Garbage is interesting!
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit 1:Spring is coming!
Lesson 1:How's the weather?
Lesson 2:It's getting warmer!
Lesson 3:The sun is rising
Lesson 4:The spring city
Lesson5:Babysitting on a Spring Day
Lesson 6:Stories about spring
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Plant a plant!
Lesson 7:Planting trees
Lesson 8:Why are plants important?
Lesson 9:Gardening with Mary
Lesson 10:Make your garden grow!
Lesson 11:Amazing plants
Lesson 12:Danny's plant
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Animals are our friends
Lesson 13:Danny's big scare
Lesson 14:Amazing animals
Lesson 15:The zoo is open
Lesson 16:The bear escaped!
Lesson 17:Save the tigers
Lesson 18:Friendship between animals
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:The internet connects us
Lesson 19:How do you use the internet?
Lesson 20:A computer helps!
Lesson 21:Books or computers?
Lesson 22:Travel on the internet
Lesson 23:The internet - good or bad?
Lesson 24:An E-mail to Grandpa
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Buying and selling
Lesson 25:Raising money
Lesson 26:Cookies,please!
Lesson 27:Business English
Lesson 28:Mr. Liu's great idea
Lesson 29:How to push a product
Lesson 30:A cookie sale
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Be a champion!
Lesson 31:Don't fall,Danny!
Lesson 32:My favourite record
Lesson 33:2800 years of sports
Lesson 34:Modern Olympics
Lesson 35:The dream team
Lesson 36:Classroom Olympics
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Know our world
Lesson 37:Let's learn geography!
Lesson 38:The world is a big place
Lesson 39:Ring up or call?
Lesson 40:Body language
Lesson 41:A class of the world
Lesson 42:North America
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Save our world
Lesson 43:Let's clean up!
Lesson 44:Environment clubs
Lesson 45:Let's sort garbage!
Lesson 46:Protect our environment
Lesson 46:Connected to nature
Lesson 48:Garbage is interesting!
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
上一章节:Lesson 19:How do you use the internet? 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 21:Books or computers?
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- 《芳树》
- 《巫山高》
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- 《蝉》
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- 《干越亭》
- 《江南》
- 《哭张博士太常》
- 《题司空图壁》
- 《泛香亭》
- 《玉声亭》
- 《句》
- 《题新榜(在浙幕,沈崧得新榜示题其末)》
- 《杏花》
- 《题磻溪垂钓图》
- 《遇边使》
- 《岐王宅》
- 《邓表山》
- 《冬》
- 《春》
- 《春日题航头桥》
- 《上子男寿昌宰》
- 〖田园〗 “山荒聊可田,钱镈还易办。”
- 〖田园〗 “君看获稻时,粒粒脂膏香。”
- 〖田园〗 “书剑时将晚,丘园日已暮。”
- 〖田园〗 “勤苦守恒业,始有数月粮。”
- 〖田园〗 “麦收上场绢在轴,的知输得官家足。”
- 〖田园〗 “鸟衔野田草,误入枯桑里。”
- 〖田园〗 “稻根科斗行如块,田水今年一尺宽。”
- 〖田园〗 “两岸人家微雨后,收红豆,树底纤纤抬素手。”
- 〖田园〗 “相携及田家,童稚开荆扉。”
- 〖田园〗 “桑柘废来犹纳税,田园荒后尚征苗。”
- 〖田园〗 “卜邻近三径,植果盈千树。”
- 〖田园〗 “五月虽热麦风清,檐头索索缲车鸣。”
- 〖田园〗 “持斧伐远扬,荷锄觇泉脉。”
- 〖田园〗 “高田如楼梯,平田如棋局。”
- 〖田园〗 “千层石树遥行路,一带山田放水声。”
- 〖田园〗 “方惭不耕者,禄食出闾里。”
- 〖田园〗 “久在樊笼里,复得返自然。”
- 〖田园〗 “水满田畴稻叶齐,日光穿树晓烟低。”
- 〖田园〗 “桑野就耕父,荷锄随牧童。”
- 〖田园〗 “万顷风涛不记苏。雪晴江上麦千车。”
- 〖田园〗 “投策命晨装,暂与园田疏。”
- 〖田园〗 “仓禀无宿储,徭役犹未已。”
- 〖田园〗 “牛靿咤咤,田确确,旱块敲牛蹄趵趵。”
- 〖田园〗 “望断金马门,劳歌采樵路。”
- 〖田园〗 “田舍清明日,家家出火迟。”
- 〖田园〗 “及兹春未深,数亩犹足佃。”
- 〖田园〗 “出耒在明晨,山寒易霜霰。”
- 〖田园〗 “蚕无夏织桑充寨,田废春耕犊劳军。”
- 〖田园〗 “登车宿迁北,万顷铺琼田。”
- 〖田园〗 “岂知民力艰,颗米皆琳琅。”