Unit 1:Spring is coming!
Lesson 1:How's the weather?
Lesson 2:It's getting warmer!
Lesson 3:The sun is rising
Lesson 4:The spring city
Lesson5:Babysitting on a Spring Day
Lesson 6:Stories about spring
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Plant a plant!
Lesson 7:Planting trees
Lesson 8:Why are plants important?
Lesson 9:Gardening with Mary
Lesson 10:Make your garden grow!
Lesson 11:Amazing plants
Lesson 12:Danny's plant
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Animals are our friends
Lesson 13:Danny's big scare
Lesson 14:Amazing animals
Lesson 15:The zoo is open
Lesson 16:The bear escaped!
Lesson 17:Save the tigers
Lesson 18:Friendship between animals
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:The internet connects us
Lesson 19:How do you use the internet?
Lesson 20:A computer helps!
Lesson 21:Books or computers?
Lesson 22:Travel on the internet
Lesson 23:The internet - good or bad?
Lesson 24:An E-mail to Grandpa
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Buying and selling
Lesson 25:Raising money
Lesson 26:Cookies,please!
Lesson 27:Business English
Lesson 28:Mr. Liu's great idea
Lesson 29:How to push a product
Lesson 30:A cookie sale
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Be a champion!
Lesson 31:Don't fall,Danny!
Lesson 32:My favourite record
Lesson 33:2800 years of sports
Lesson 34:Modern Olympics
Lesson 35:The dream team
Lesson 36:Classroom Olympics
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Know our world
Lesson 37:Let's learn geography!
Lesson 38:The world is a big place
Lesson 39:Ring up or call?
Lesson 40:Body language
Lesson 41:A class of the world
Lesson 42:North America
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Save our world
Lesson 43:Let's clean up!
Lesson 44:Environment clubs
Lesson 45:Let's sort garbage!
Lesson 46:Protect our environment
Lesson 46:Connected to nature
Lesson 48:Garbage is interesting!
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit 1:Spring is coming!
Lesson 1:How's the weather?
Lesson 2:It's getting warmer!
Lesson 3:The sun is rising
Lesson 4:The spring city
Lesson5:Babysitting on a Spring Day
Lesson 6:Stories about spring
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Plant a plant!
Lesson 7:Planting trees
Lesson 8:Why are plants important?
Lesson 9:Gardening with Mary
Lesson 10:Make your garden grow!
Lesson 11:Amazing plants
Lesson 12:Danny's plant
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Animals are our friends
Lesson 13:Danny's big scare
Lesson 14:Amazing animals
Lesson 15:The zoo is open
Lesson 16:The bear escaped!
Lesson 17:Save the tigers
Lesson 18:Friendship between animals
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:The internet connects us
Lesson 19:How do you use the internet?
Lesson 20:A computer helps!
Lesson 21:Books or computers?
Lesson 22:Travel on the internet
Lesson 23:The internet - good or bad?
Lesson 24:An E-mail to Grandpa
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Buying and selling
Lesson 25:Raising money
Lesson 26:Cookies,please!
Lesson 27:Business English
Lesson 28:Mr. Liu's great idea
Lesson 29:How to push a product
Lesson 30:A cookie sale
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Be a champion!
Lesson 31:Don't fall,Danny!
Lesson 32:My favourite record
Lesson 33:2800 years of sports
Lesson 34:Modern Olympics
Lesson 35:The dream team
Lesson 36:Classroom Olympics
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Know our world
Lesson 37:Let's learn geography!
Lesson 38:The world is a big place
Lesson 39:Ring up or call?
Lesson 40:Body language
Lesson 41:A class of the world
Lesson 42:North America
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Save our world
Lesson 43:Let's clean up!
Lesson 44:Environment clubs
Lesson 45:Let's sort garbage!
Lesson 46:Protect our environment
Lesson 46:Connected to nature
Lesson 48:Garbage is interesting!
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
上一章节:Lesson 30:A cookie sale 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Unit 6:Be a champion!
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- 〖叶子〗 “青蒲衔紫茸,长叶复从风。”
- 〖叶子〗 “蒲生我池中,其叶何离离。”
- 〖叶子〗 “棘枝风哭酸,桐叶霜颜高。”
- 〖叶子〗 “酒市渐闲灯火,正敲窗、乱叶舞纷纷。”
- 〖叶子〗 “莲香隔浦渡,荷叶满江鲜。”
- 〖叶子〗 “东门之杨,其叶牂牂。”
- 〖叶子〗 “春云不变阳关雪,桑叶先知胡地秋。”
- 〖叶子〗 “明朝挂帆席,枫叶落纷纷。”
- 〖叶子〗 “汾水碧依依,黄云落叶初飞。”
- 〖叶子〗 “木叶纷纷下,东南日烟霜。”
- 〖叶子〗 “隰桑有阿,其叶有幽。”
- 〖叶子〗 “先拂商弦后角羽,四郊秋叶惊摵摵。”
- 〖叶子〗 “翠叶吹凉,玉容消酒,更洒菇蒲雨。”
- 〖叶子〗 “绿叶素荣,纷其可喜兮。”
- 〖叶子〗 “败叶填溪水已冰,夕阳犹照短长亭。”
- 〖叶子〗 “路入南中,桄榔叶暗蓼花红。”
- 〖叶子〗 “桃根桃叶终相守,伴殷勤、双宿鸳鸯。”
- 〖叶子〗 “绿叶渐成阴,下有游人归路。”
- 〖叶子〗 “败垣芳草,空廊落叶,深砌苍苔。”
- 〖叶子〗 “枫叶千枝复万枝,江桥掩映暮帆迟。”
- 〖叶子〗 “绿叶紫裹,丹茎白蒂。”
- 〖叶子〗 “一叶度春风,芳芳自相接。”
- 〖叶子〗 “南轩有孤松,柯叶自绵幂。”
- 〖叶子〗 “岭水争分路转迷,桄榔椰叶暗蛮溪。”
- 〖叶子〗 “落叶满空山,何处寻行迹。”
- 〖叶子〗 “绿叶青跗映丹萼,与君裴回上金阁。”
- 〖叶子〗 “绿叶翠茎,冒霜停雪。”
- 〖叶子〗 “槐叶初匀日气凉,葱葱鼠耳翠成双。”
- 〖叶子〗 “筑室兮水中,葺之兮荷盖;”
- 〖叶子〗 “槟榔无柯,椰叶无阴。”