Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
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- 《新秋杂题六首·吟》
- 《新秋杂题六首·眠》
- 《范蠡》
- 《闺怨》
- 《读陈拾遗集》
- 《忆山泉》
- 《头陀僧》
- 《冬柳》
- 《开元杂题七首·绣岭宫》
- 《开元杂题七首·舞马》
- 《帘》
- 《洞宫夕(一作华阳观)》
- 《春思二首》
- 《太湖叟》
- 《方响》
- 《钓车》
- 《连昌宫词二首·阶》
- 《山中僧》
- 《和袭美怀锡山药名离合二首》
- 《闲居杂题五首·饮岩泉》
- 《闲居杂题五首(以题十五字离合)·鸣蜩早》
- 《叠韵吴宫词二首》
- 《回文》
- 《奉酬袭美苦雨四声重寄三十二句·平去声》
- 《夏日闲居作四声诗寄袭美·平入声》
- 《夏日闲居作四声诗寄袭美·平声》
- 《门前路》
- 《翠碧》
- 《过张祜处士丹阳故居》
- 《皮袭美见留小宴次韵》
- 〖太阳〗 “重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日。”
- 〖太阳〗 “日星隐曜,山岳潜形;”
- 〖太阳〗 “日光寒兮草短,月色苦兮霜白。”
- 〖太阳〗 “日入室中暗,荆薪代明烛。”
- 〖太阳〗 “草木行列,烟消日出。”
- 〖月亮〗 “二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹箫?”
- 〖月亮〗 “月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。”
- 〖月亮〗 “李白如今已仙去,月在青天几圆缺?”
- 〖月亮〗 “缺月挂疏桐,漏断人初静。”
- 〖月亮〗 “烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。”
- 〖月亮〗 “寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。”
- 〖月亮〗 “月黑见渔灯,孤光一点萤。”
- 〖月亮〗 “酒贱常愁客少,月明多被云妨。”
- 〖月亮〗 “且就洞庭赊月色,将船买酒白云边。”
- 〖月亮〗 “三更月。中庭恰照梨花雪。”
- 〖月亮〗 “凉月如眉挂柳湾,越中山色镜中看。”
- 〖月亮〗 “双星何事今宵会,遗我庭前月一钩。”
- 〖月亮〗 “何夜无月?何处无竹柏?但少闲人如吾两人者耳。”
- 〖月亮〗 “明月如霜,好风如水,清景无限。”
- 〖月亮〗 “山寺月中寻桂子,郡亭枕上看潮头。”
- 〖月亮〗 “笙歌散后酒初醒,深院月斜人静。”
- 〖月亮〗 “水国蒹葭夜有霜,月寒山色共苍苍。”
- 〖月亮〗 “静夜沉沉,浮光霭霭,冷浸溶溶月。”
- 〖月亮〗 “忆对中秋丹桂丛。花在杯中。月在杯中。”
- 〖月亮〗 “半天凉月色,一笛酒人心。”
- 〖月亮〗 “雁声远过潇湘去,十二楼中月自明。”
- 〖月亮〗 “山高月小,水落石出。”
- 〖月亮〗 “家家乞巧望秋月,穿尽红丝几万条。”
- 〖月亮〗 “夜阑风静欲归时,惟有一江明月碧琉璃。”
- 〖月亮〗 “边月随弓影,胡霜拂剑花。”