Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
上一章节:Lesson 10:The Great Wall 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
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- 高一艺术必修2 艺术与文化(上册)
- 高二音乐选择性必修5 音乐基础理论
- 高三语文中国文化经典研读
- 《舟次通泉精舍》
- 《池上》
- 《题兴善寺寂上人院》
- 《鹭鸶》
- 《文昌寓直》
- 《席上贻歌者》
- 《奔避》
- 《峡中》
- 《故少师从翁隐岩别墅乱后榛芜感旧怆怀遂有追纪》
- 《乾符丙申岁奉试春涨曲江池(用春字)》
- 《丞相孟夏祗荐南郊纪献十韵》
- 《予尝有雪景一绝为人所讽吟段赞善小笔精微…诗谢之》
- 《西蜀净众寺松溪八韵兼寄小笔崔处士》
- 《投所知》
- 《苔钱》
- 《越鸟》
- 《传经院壁画松》
- 《重访黄神谷策禅者》
- 《定水寺行香》
- 《兴州江馆》
- 《淮上与友人别》
- 《雪中偶题》
- 《江宿闻芦管(商船小童善吹)》
- 《赠刘神童(六岁及第)》
- 《为户部李郎中与令季端公寓止渠州江寺偶作寄献》
- 《蜡烛》
- 《竹》
- 《雁》
- 《鹧鸪》
- 《卷末偶题三首》
- 〖七夕节〗 “鹊桥波里出,龙车霄外飞。”
- 〖七夕节〗 “岂能无意酬乌鹊,惟与蜘蛛乞巧丝。”
- 〖七夕节〗 “已驾七香车,心心待晓霞。”
- 〖七夕节〗 “新秋逢闰,鹊桥重驾,两度人间乞巧。”
- 〖七夕节〗 “千家闭户无砧杵,七夕何人望斗牛。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “好时节,愿得年年,常见中秋月。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “万里婵娟,几许雾屏云幔。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “一月可曾闲几日,百年难得闰中秋。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “柳下系舟犹未稳,能几日、又中秋。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “素娥无赖,西去曾不为人留。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “寄言俦侣,莫负广寒沈醉。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “斟酌姮娥,九秋宫殿冷。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “起舞徘徊风露下,今夕不知何夕。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “想见广寒宫殿,正云梳风掠。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “想子胥今夜见嫦娥,沉冤雪。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “琼楼玉宇。分明不受人间暑。寻常岂是无三五。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “遮莫圆明似前度,不知谁续广寒游。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “分不尽,半凉天。可怜闲剩此婵娟。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “小住京华,早又是,中秋佳节。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “对望中天地,洞然如刷。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “惟有今宵,皓彩皆同普。”
- 〖中秋节〗 “何须急管吹云暝,高寒滟滟开金饼。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “王孙莫把比蓬蒿,九日枝枝近鬓毛。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “佳时倍惜风光别,不为登高。只觉魂销。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “何期今日酒,忽对故园花。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “佳节又重阳,玉枕纱厨,半夜凉初透。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “芙蓉金菊斗馨香。天气欲重阳。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “九日登高处,群山入望赊。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “紫萸一枝传赐,梦谁到、汉家陵。”
- 〖重阳节〗 “算明朝、未了重阳,紫萸应耐看。”