Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
上一章节:Lesson 15:Sending the postcards 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 17:Danny's email
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