上一章节:Lesson 9:Whose coat is this? 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 高一音乐必修6 音乐与戏剧
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- 高一数学必修 第一册
- 《送友人》
- 《寄栖白上人》
- 《与友人会》
- 《别谪者》
- 《赠同席》
- 《招屈亭》
- 《比干墓》
- 《渔父》
- 《淮阴》
- 《三闾庙》
- 《晋河》
- 《破陈》
- 《西河》
- 《汴河》
- 《咏南阳》
- 《早发洛中》
- 《送李频之南陵主簿》
- 《咏长城》
- 《咏昭君》
- 《陈宫》
- 《杨柳》
- 《绿珠》
- 《延平津》
- 《斑竹祠》
- 《银州北书事》
- 《投徐端公》
- 《题郑拾遗南斋》
- 《留别故人》
- 《雁门关野望》
- 《寄盩厔薛能少府》
- 〖写风〗 “长条短叶翠濛濛,才过西风,又过东风。”
- 〖写风〗 “今年欢笑复明年,秋月春风等闲度。”
- 〖写风〗 “对兹佳品酬佳节,桂拂清风菊带霜。”
- 〖写风〗 “昨夜东风入武阳,陌头杨柳黄金色。”
- 〖写风〗 “东风吹我过湖船。杨柳丝丝拂面。”
- 〖写风〗 “柳岸风来影渐疏,使君家似野人居。”
- 〖写风〗 “来扫千山雪,归留万国花。”
- 〖写风〗 “北风其凉,雨雪其雱。”
- 〖写风〗 “风嗥雨啸,昏见晨趋。”
- 〖写风〗 “风雨端阳生晦冥,汨罗无处吊英灵。”
- 〖写风〗 “大风起兮云飞扬。威加海内兮归故乡。”
- 〖写风〗 “冻风时作,作则飞沙走砾。”
- 〖写风〗 “黄埃散漫风萧索,云栈萦纡登剑阁。”
- 〖写风〗 “风吹仙袂飘飖举,犹似霓裳羽衣舞。”
- 〖写风〗 “北风夜卷赤亭口,一夜天山雪更厚。”
- 〖写风〗 “树木何萧瑟,北风声正悲。”
- 〖写风〗 “苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。”
- 〖写风〗 “风递幽香出,禽窥素艳来。”
- 〖写风〗 “北风吹雪四更初,嘉瑞天教及岁除。”
- 〖写风〗 “岁云暮矣多北风,潇湘洞庭白雪中。”
- 〖写风〗 “朔风吹雪透刀瘢,饮马长城窟更寒。”
- 〖写风〗 “长风萧萧渡水来,归雁连连映天没。”
- 〖写风〗 “佳游不可得,春风惜远别。”
- 〖写风〗 “远岫出山催薄暮,细风吹雨弄轻阴。”
- 〖写风〗 “风休住。蓬舟吹取三山去。”
- 〖写风〗 “胡沙没马足,朔风裂人肤。”
- 〖写风〗 “岁暮百草零,疾风高冈裂。”
- 〖写风〗 “南风吹其心,摇摇为谁吐?”
- 〖写风〗 “城外萧萧北风起,城上健儿吹落耳。”
- 〖写风〗 “忽大风起,尘气莽莽然,城市依稀而已。”