School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 高二化学选择性必修1 化学反应原理
- 高二美术选择性必修3 雕塑
- 高一物理共同必修2
- 高三数学选修4-4 坐标系与参数方程
- 高一英语必修 第二册
- 高二化学选择性必修2 物质结构与性质
- 高三美术选择性必修6 现代媒体艺术
- 高一物理必修 第二册
- 高一数学必修2
- 高三英语选择性必修 第四册
- 高二物理选择性必修 第一册
- 高一美术选择性必修2 中国书画
- 高二物理选修3-4
- 高三数学选修4-7 优选法与试验设计初步
- 高三地理选择性必修3 资源、环境与国家安全
- 高三物理选择性必修 第三册
- 《春游》
- 《宣赐锦袍设上赠诸郡客》
- 《江岸独步》
- 《咸阳怀古》
- 《送从弟舍人入蜀》
- 《春晚闲望》
- 《春燕》
- 《晚楼寓怀》
- 《秋夕书怀》
- 《蜀都春晚感怀》
- 《木芙蓉》
- 《再看光福寺牡丹》
- 《郡楼闲望书怀》
- 《去年今日》
- 《自遣》
- 《新蝉》
- 《万葛树》
- 《访饮妓不遇,招酒徒不至》
- 《中夏昼卧》
- 《寄高书记》
- 《吴·青盖》
- 《吴·太史慈》
- 《吴·濡须坞》
- 《吴·顾雍》
- 《吴·徐盛》
- 《吴·赤壁》
- 《简竖儒》
- 《登郡楼书怀》
- 《长春节》
- 《酬勾评事》
- 〖爱情〗 “孤灯不明思欲绝,卷帷望月空长叹。”
- 〖爱情〗 “千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。”
- 〖爱情〗 “感君缠绵意,系在红罗襦。”
- 〖爱情〗 “谁料同心结不成,翻就相思结。”
- 〖爱情〗 “君为女萝草,妾作菟丝花。”
- 〖爱情〗 “殷勤花下同携手。更尽杯中酒。美人不用敛蛾眉。”
- 〖爱情〗 “欲寄彩笺兼尺素。山长水阔知何处。”
- 〖爱情〗 “妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无。”
- 〖爱情〗 “看朱成碧思纷纷,憔悴支离为忆君。”
- 〖爱情〗 “君若清路尘,妾若浊水泥;”
- 〖爱情〗 “若似月轮终皎洁,不辞冰雪为卿热。”
- 〖爱情〗 “梅花雪,梨花月,总相思。”
- 〖爱情〗 “恨君不似江楼月,南北东西,南北东西,只有相随无别离。”
- 〖爱情〗 “皑如山上雪,皎若云间月。”
- 〖爱情〗 “若有知音见采,不辞遍唱阳春。”
- 〖爱情〗 “知君用心如日月,事夫誓拟同生死。”
- 〖爱情〗 “两鬓可怜青,只为相思老。”
- 〖爱情〗 “相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。”
- 〖爱情〗 “春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。”
- 〖爱情〗 “天与短因缘,聚散常容易。”
- 〖爱情〗 “相寻梦里路,飞雨落花中。”
- 〖爱情〗 “待浮花、浪蕊都尽,伴君幽独。”
- 〖爱情〗 “四月十七,正是去年今日,别君时。”
- 〖爱情〗 “春来秋去相思在,秋去春来信息稀。”
- 〖爱情〗 “斑竹枝,斑竹枝,泪痕点点寄相思。”
- 〖爱情〗 “忆昔花间相见后,只凭纤手,暗抛红豆。”
- 〖爱情〗 “怅恨不逢如意酒。寻思难值有情人。”
- 〖爱情〗 “夜夜相思更漏残,伤心明月凭阑干,想君思我锦衾寒。”
- 〖爱情〗 “一语不入意,从君万曲梁尘飞。”
- 〖爱情〗 “同穴窅冥何所望,他生缘会更难期。”