School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
School and friends
Lesson 1:Hello!
Lesson 2:Teachers and students
Lesson 3:Welcome to our school
Lesson 4:What is it?
Lesson5:May I have a book?
Lesson 6:Things for school
Review:Unit Review
Colours and clothes
Lesson 7:Jenny's new skirt
Lesson 8:Danny's favourite colour
Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?
Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day
Lesson 11:Clothes around the world
Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!
Review:Unit Review
Body parts and feelings
Lesson 13:Body parts
Lesson 14:Colours and feelings
Lesson 15:Tall or short
Lesson 16:Happy or sad
Lesson 17:Seeing a doctor
Lesson 18:We all look different!
Review:Unit Review
Food and restaurants
Lesson 19:Time for breakfast!
Lesson 20:I like the supermarket!
Lesson 21:At the market
Lesson 22:In the restaurant
Lesson 23:The corner store
Lesson 24:Eat good food!
Review:Unit Review
Family and home
Lesson 25:Jenny's family
Lesson 26:Li Ming's family
Lesson 27:Danny at home
Lesson 28:A family picnic
Lesson 29:A birthday card
Lesson 30:Grandma's birthday party
Review:Unit Review
Let's go!
Lesson 31:Let's go to the bookstore!
Lesson 32:At the supermarket
Lesson 33:Let's go to the zoo!
Lesson 34:On the farm
Lesson 35:Let's go to the museum!
Lesson 36:Let's go to the movie theatre!
Review:Unit Review
Days and months
Lesson 37:Seasons and weather
Lesson 38:Nick's busy month
Lesson 39:A class calendar
Lesson 40:When is your birthday?
Lesson 41:Holidays
Lesson 42:Happy birthdays!
Review:Unit Review
Countries around the world
Lesson 43:Directions
Lesson 44:Jack's goodbye party
Lesson 45:China
Lesson 46:Canada and the U.S.
Lesson 46:The U.K. and Australia
Lesson 48:English-speaking countires
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 高一地理必修 第二册(中图中华版)
- 高二艺术选择性必修2 音乐情境表演
- 高二生物选修2 生物科学与社会
- 高一数学必修1
- 高二英语选择性必修 第二册
- 高三俄语选择性必修 第三册
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- 高一生物必修3 稳态与环境
- 高二生物选择性必修1 稳态与调节
- 高一俄语必修 第二册
- 高三英语选修 第二册
- 高一生物必修1 分子与细胞
- 高二英语必修4
- 高三数学选择性必修 第三册(B版)
- 高二日语必修 第三册
- 高三数学音乐中的数学(选修 D类)
- 高二化学选修4 有机化学基础
- 《哭胡处士》
- 《山中寒夜呈进士许棠》
- 《赠馀干袁明府》
- 《石头怀古》
- 《曲江暮春雪霁》
- 《庐山访贾匡》
- 《吊贾岛二首》
- 《题甘露寺》
- 《送邵安石及第归连州觐省》
- 《题湖南岳麓寺》
- 《铅山写怀》
- 《再到洪州望西山(松常栖此山)》
- 《霍山(在龙川县)》
- 《桂江》
- 《七夕》
- 《赠广宣大师》
- 《中秋对月》
- 《言怀》
- 《金谷园》
- 《水精念珠》
- 《送僧入庐山》
- 《览春榜喜孙鄠成名》
- 《句》
- 《白角簟》
- 《吊北邙》
- 《商山》
- 《山中》
- 《驸马宅宴罢》
- 《南海陪郑司空游荔园》
- 《广州贻匡绪法师》
- 〖夏天〗 “日长睡起无情思, 闲看儿童捉柳花。”
- 〖夏天〗 “竹摇清影罩幽窗,两两时禽噪夕阳。”
- 〖夏天〗 “纷纷红紫已成尘,布谷声中夏令新。”
- 〖夏天〗 “晴日暖风生麦气,绿阴幽草胜花时。”
- 〖夏天〗 “欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”
- 〖夏天〗 “绿荫不减来时路,添得黄鹂四五声。”
- 〖夏天〗 “南州溽暑醉如酒,隐几熟眠开北牖。”
- 〖夏天〗 “更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾。”
- 〖夏天〗 “一夜雨声凉到梦,万荷叶上送秋来。”
- 〖夏天〗 “微风忽起吹莲叶,青玉盘中泻水银。”
- 〖夏天〗 “昆仑之高有积雪,蓬莱之远常遗寒。”
- 〖夏天〗 “月明船笛参差起,风定池莲自在香。”
- 〖夏天〗 “竹深树密虫鸣处,时有微凉不是风。”
- 〖夏天〗 “荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。”
- 〖夏天〗 “树阴满地日当午,梦觉流莺时一声。”
- 〖夏天〗 “水满有时观下鹭,草深无处不鸣蛙。”
- 〖夏天〗 “懒摇白羽扇,裸袒青林中。”
- 〖夏天〗 “纸屏石枕竹方床,手倦抛书午梦长。”
- 〖秋天〗 “秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。”
- 〖秋天〗 “解落三秋叶,能开二月花。”
- 〖秋天〗 “窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。”
- 〖秋天〗 “湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。”
- 〖秋天〗 “自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝。”
- 〖秋天〗 “春花秋月何时了?往事知多少?”
- 〖秋天〗 “停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。”
- 〖秋天〗 “八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅。”
- 〖秋天〗 “长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。”
- 〖秋天〗 “月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。”
- 〖秋天〗 “君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。”
- 〖秋天〗 “秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜”