Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 高二数学选修1-2(B版)
- 高一生物必修2 遗传与进化
- 高三地理选择性必修 第三册 资源、环境与国家安全(中图中华版)
- 高三数学选修3-1 数学史选讲
- 高三艺术选择性必修5 影视与数字媒体艺术实践
- 高三化学选修4 化学反应原理
- 高二英语选择性必修 第二册
- 高二生物选修3 现代生物科技专题
- 高一地理必修 第一册(中图中华版)
- 高三数学选修2-3
- 高二艺术选择性必修1 美术创意实践
- 高二数学选择性必修 第一册
- 高二生物选修1 生物技术实践
- 高二俄语选择性必修 第二册
- 高三英语选修 英语写作
- 高三语文语言文字应用
- 高三化学选修3 物质结构与性质
- 高二英语选择性必修 第一册
- 《京使回自临川,得从兄书寄诗,依韵和》
- 《奉和子龙大监与舍弟赠答之什》
- 《陈侍郎宅观花烛》
- 《和张少监晚菊》
- 《九日落星山登高》
- 《柳枝词十首(座中应制)》
- 《北苑侍宴杂咏诗·水》
- 《纳后夕侍宴》
- 《右省仆射后湖亭闲宴,铉以宿直先归,赋诗留献》
- 《和陈表用员外求酒》
- 《春雪应制》
- 《同家兄哭乔侍郎》
- 《送程德琳郎中学士(得远山)》
- 《又听《霓裳羽衣曲》送陈君》
- 《后湖访古各赋一题得西邸》
- 《棋赌赋诗输刘起居(奂)》
- 《北使还襄邑道中作(九月三十日)》
- 《奉酬度支陈员外》
- 《蒙恩赐酒旨令醉,进诗以谢》
- 《和张少监舟中望蒋山》
- 《太傅相公以庭梅二篇许舍弟同赋再迂藻思…庶申感谢》
- 《奉和圣制送邓王牧宣城》
- 《咏卧牛》
- 《奉元宗命咏苑中白野鹊》
- 《上舍人徐铉》
- 《登游齐山》
- 《题金山》
- 《嘲庐山道士》
- 《题杨克俭池馆》
- 《寄麻姑仙坛道士》
- 〖爱情〗 “似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。”
- 〖爱情〗 “深知身在情长在”
- 〖爱情〗 “人到情多情转薄,而今真个悔多情。”
- 〖爱情〗 “今夕何夕,见此邂逅。”
- 〖爱情〗 “窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”
- 〖爱情〗 “落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。”
- 〖爱情〗 “可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人!”
- 〖爱情〗 “千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉?”
- 〖爱情〗 “结发为夫妻,恩爱两不疑。”
- 〖爱情〗 “枕前泪共阶前雨,隔个窗儿滴到明。”
- 〖爱情〗 “天长路远魂飞苦,梦魂不到关山难。”
- 〖爱情〗 “诚知此恨人人有,贫贱夫妻百事哀。”
- 〖爱情〗 “换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。”
- 〖爱情〗 “忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。”
- 〖爱情〗 “泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。”
- 〖爱情〗 “若有知音见采,不辞徧唱阳春。”
- 〖爱情〗 “夜月一帘幽梦,春风十里柔情。”
- 〖爱情〗 “惟将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。”
- 〖爱情〗 “别来半岁音书绝,一寸离肠千万结。”
- 〖爱情〗 “离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。”
- 〖爱情〗 “若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头。”
- 〖爱情〗 “欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处?”
- 〖励志〗 “天行健,君子以自强不息。”
- 〖励志〗 “富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”
- 〖励志〗 “生于忧患,而死于安乐”
- 〖励志〗 “不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。”
- 〖励志〗 “燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉”
- 〖励志〗 “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”
- 〖励志〗 “烈士暮年,壮心不已。”
- 〖励志〗 “鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。”