Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
上一章节:Lesson 55:Look into the future 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Lesson 57:Best wishes
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- 《寄荆幕孙郎中》
- 《送刘秀才归桑水宁觐》
- 《闻沈彬赴吴都请辟》
- 《怀金陵知旧》
- 《咏怀寄知己》
- 《寄益上人》
- 《怀潇湘即事寄友人》
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- 《乱后经西山寺》
- 《寄郑谷郎中》
- 《寄友生》
- 《题郑郎中谷仰山居》
- 《早莺》
- 《寄孙鲂秀才》
- 《贺雪》
- 《贺孙支使郎中迁居》
- 《送吴先辈赴京》
- 《送李秀才归湘中》
- 《移居》
- 《荆门寄沈彬》
- 《湖上逸人》
- 《答无愿上人书》
- 《怀匡阜》
- 《谢道友拄杖》
- 《寄体休》
- 《荆渚偶作》
- 《送司空学士赴京》
- 《荆门疾中喜谢尊师自南岳来、相里秀才自京至》
- 《看云》
- 《寄居道林寺作》
- 〖伤感〗 “半死梧桐老病身,重泉一念一伤神。”
- 〖伤感〗 “教人怎不伤情。觉几度、魂飞梦惊。”
- 〖伤感〗 “分明一觉华胥梦,回首东风泪满衣。”
- 〖伤感〗 “恋树湿花飞不起,愁无比,和春付与东流水。”
- 〖伤感〗 “又到断肠回首处,泪偷零。”
- 〖伤感〗 “红莲相倚浑如醉,白鸟无言定自愁。”
- 〖伤感〗 “心断新丰酒,销愁斗几千。”
- 〖伤感〗 “伤心莫问前朝事,重上越王台。”
- 〖伤感〗 “唱罢秋坟愁未歇,春丛认取双栖蝶。”
- 〖伤感〗 “双燕飞来,陌上相逢否?撩乱春愁如柳絮。”
- 〖伤感〗 “永怀愁不寐,松月夜窗虚。”
- 〖伤感〗 “如今风雨西楼夜,不听清歌也泪垂。”
- 〖伤感〗 “泪弹不尽临窗滴。就砚旋研墨。”
- 〖伤感〗 “人老去西风白发,蝶愁来明日黄花。”
- 〖伤感〗 “芳菲歇。故园目断伤心切。”
- 〖伤感〗 “泪眼倚楼频独语。双燕飞来,陌上相逢否?”
- 〖伤感〗 “赠远虚盈手,伤离适断肠。”
- 〖伤感〗 “花不语,水空流。年年拚得为花愁。”
- 〖伤感〗 “水调数声持酒听。午醉醒来愁未醒。”
- 〖伤感〗 “且看欲尽花经眼,莫厌伤多酒入唇。”
- 〖伤感〗 “一声何满子,双泪落君前。”
- 〖伤感〗 “而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。”
- 〖伤感〗 “春去也,飞红万点愁如海。”
- 〖伤感〗 “日长篱落无人过,惟有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。”
- 〖伤感〗 “梁园日暮乱飞鸦,极目萧条三两家。”
- 〖伤感〗 “可惜一片清歌,都付与黄昏。”
- 〖伤感〗 “蚤是伤春梦雨天,可堪芳草更芊芊。”
- 〖伤感〗 “杨柳丝丝弄轻柔,烟缕织成愁。”
- 〖伤感〗 “请为父老歌:艰难愧深情!”
- 〖伤感〗 “花明柳暗绕天愁,上尽重城更上楼。”