Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
上一章节:Lesson 42:Peace at last 上一页|下一页 下一章节:Unit 8:Culture shapes us
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- 高二物理选择性必修 第二册
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- 《下瞿塘寄时同年》
- 《和程刑部三首·清涟閤》
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- 《游仙都观》
- 《施南路偶书》
- 《自和》
- 《泊巴东》
- 《路次覆盆驿》
- 《春游》
- 《宣赐锦袍设上赠诸郡客》
- 《江岸独步》
- 《咸阳怀古》
- 《送从弟舍人入蜀》
- 《春晚闲望》
- 《春燕》
- 《晚楼寓怀》
- 《秋夕书怀》
- 《蜀都春晚感怀》
- 《木芙蓉》
- 《再看光福寺牡丹》
- 《郡楼闲望书怀》
- 《去年今日》
- 《自遣》
- 《新蝉》
- 《万葛树》
- 《访饮妓不遇,招酒徒不至》
- 《中夏昼卧》
- 《寄高书记》
- 〖爱情〗 “莫唱当年长恨歌,人间亦自有银河。”
- 〖爱情〗 “愿为西南风,长逝入君怀。”
- 〖爱情〗 “忽见陌头杨柳色,悔教夫婿觅封侯。”
- 〖爱情〗 “情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。”
- 〖爱情〗 “君知妾有夫,赠妾双明珠。”
- 〖爱情〗 “山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹。”
- 〖爱情〗 “不茶不饭,不言不语,一味供他憔悴。”
- 〖爱情〗 “当君怀归日,是妾断肠时。”
- 〖爱情〗 “花落花开自有时,总赖东君主。”
- 〖爱情〗 “相思相望不相亲,天为谁春。”
- 〖爱情〗 “孤灯不明思欲绝,卷帷望月空长叹。”
- 〖爱情〗 “千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。”
- 〖爱情〗 “感君缠绵意,系在红罗襦。”
- 〖爱情〗 “谁料同心结不成,翻就相思结。”
- 〖爱情〗 “君为女萝草,妾作菟丝花。”
- 〖爱情〗 “殷勤花下同携手。更尽杯中酒。美人不用敛蛾眉。”
- 〖爱情〗 “欲寄彩笺兼尺素。山长水阔知何处。”
- 〖爱情〗 “妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无。”
- 〖爱情〗 “看朱成碧思纷纷,憔悴支离为忆君。”
- 〖爱情〗 “君若清路尘,妾若浊水泥;”
- 〖爱情〗 “若似月轮终皎洁,不辞冰雪为卿热。”
- 〖爱情〗 “梅花雪,梨花月,总相思。”
- 〖爱情〗 “恨君不似江楼月,南北东西,南北东西,只有相随无别离。”
- 〖爱情〗 “皑如山上雪,皎若云间月。”
- 〖爱情〗 “若有知音见采,不辞遍唱阳春。”
- 〖爱情〗 “知君用心如日月,事夫誓拟同生死。”
- 〖爱情〗 “两鬓可怜青,只为相思老。”
- 〖爱情〗 “相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。”
- 〖爱情〗 “春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。”
- 〖爱情〗 “天与短因缘,聚散常容易。”