Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit1 :Stay healthy
Lesson 1:What's wrong, Danny?
Lesson 2:A visit to the Dentist
Lesson 3:Good food, good health
Lesson 4:Don't smoke, please!
Lesson 5:Jane's lucky life
Lesson 6:Stay away from the hospital
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:Great people
Lesson 7:What is the meaning of life?
Lesson 8:A universe of thought
Lesson 9:China's most famous 'farmer'
Lesson 10:Touch the world
Lesson 11:To China, with love
Lesson 12:Guess my hero!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Safety
Lesson 13:Be careful, Danny!
Lesson 14:Accidents happen
Lesson 15:My helmet saved my life!
Lesson 16:How safe is your home?
Lesson 17:Staying safe in an earthquake
Lesson 18:Never catch a dinosaur
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:Stories and poems
Lesson 19:A story or a poem?
Lesson 20:Say it in five
Lesson 21:The fable of the woodcutter
Lesson 22:The Giant(II)
Lesson 23:Writing a poem
Lesson 24:Writing a poem
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:Look into science
Lesson 25:Let's do an experiment!
Lesson 26:Keep the candle burning
Lesson 27:Planet Danny
Lesson 28:The study of living things
Lesson 29:DNA - The story of you
Lesson 30:Science affects us
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Movies and theatre
Lesson 31:A movie or a play
Lesson 32:Moving pictures
Lesson 33:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)
Lesson 34:The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Lesson 35:Theatres are fun!
Lesson 36:Making plays is fun
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Work for peace
Lesson 37:Don't fight!
Lesson 38:Making school a better place
Lesson 39:The dove and the olive branch
Lesson 40:The UN - The power of words
Lesson 40:Jenny's good advice
Lesson 42:Peace at last
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Culture shapes us
Lesson 43:A visit to Chinatown
Lesson 44:Popular sayings
Lesson 45:Different manners
Lesson 46:Home to many cultures
Lesson 47:Good manners
Lesson 48:Supper with the Bradshaws
Review:Unit Review
Unit 9:Communication
Lesson 49:Get along with others
Lesson 50:Tips for good communication
Lesson 51:What could be a wrong?
Lesson 52:The power of a smile
Lesson 53:Working in groups
Lesson 54:How embarrassing!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 10:Get ready for the future
Lesson 55:Look into the future
Lesson 56:Manage your time
Lesson 57:Best wishes
Lesson 58:Ms. Liu's speech
Lesson 59:Keep your choices open
Lesson 60:Get a good education
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 高二物理选择性必修 第二册
- 高一英语必修四
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- 高一物理必修 第三册
- 高三语文选修 唐宋八大家散文选读
- 高三语文选修 现代散文选读
- 高一英语必修三
- 高二音乐选择性必修4 戏剧表演
- 高一音乐必修6 音乐与戏剧
- 高一音乐必修2 歌唱
- 高二音乐选择性必修4 戏剧表演(粤教花城版)
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- 高一音乐必修2 歌唱(粤教花城版)
- 高一体育必修 全一册
- 高三艺术选择性必修5 影视与数字媒体艺术实践
- 高二艺术选择性必修1 美术创意实践
- 《上冯使君水晶数珠》
- 《南海晚望》
- 《晚望》
- 《早秋夜坐》
- 《怀邻叟》
- 《灞陵战叟》
- 《归东阳临岐上杜使君七首》
- 《春末寄周琏》
- 《别李常侍》
- 《对雪寄新定冯使君二首》
- 《大蜀皇帝潜龙日述圣德诗五首》
- 《终南僧》
- 《道中逢乞食老僧》
- 《酬周相公见赠》
- 《山居诗二十四首》
- 《古战处》
- 《落花》
- 《道士》
- 《避地毗陵,寒月上孙徽使君兼寄东阳王使君三首》
- 《鹭鸶有怀(前东阳王慥使君养一鹭鸶名瑶花)》
- 《再游东林寺作五首》
- 《上缙云段使君》
- 《商山道者》
- 《送新罗人及第归》
- 《寄匡山大愿和尚》
- 《将入匡山宿韩判官宅》
- 《春游凉泉寺》
- 《闻杜宇》
- 《曹娥碑》
- 《寄郑道士二首》
- 〖伤感〗 “抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。”
- 〖伤感〗 “醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?”
- 〖伤感〗 “夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。”
- 〖伤感〗 “无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。”
- 〖伤感〗 “物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。”
- 〖伤感〗 “醉后不知天在水,满船清梦压星河。”
- 〖伤感〗 “花无人戴,酒无人劝,醉也无人管。”
- 〖伤感〗 “沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。”
- 〖伤感〗 “寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。”
- 〖伤感〗 “伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来。”
- 〖伤感〗 “力拔山兮气盖世。时不利兮骓不逝。”
- 〖伤感〗 “商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。”
- 〖伤感〗 “花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。”
- 〖伤感〗 “红泪偷垂,满眼春风百事非。”
- 〖伤感〗 “风淅淅,雨纤纤。难怪春愁细细添。”
- 〖伤感〗 “平生不下泪,于此泣无穷。”
- 〖伤感〗 “似花还似非花,也无人惜从教坠。”
- 〖伤感〗 “无言独上西楼,月如钩。寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋。”
- 〖伤感〗 “世情薄,人情恶,雨送黄昏花易落。”
- 〖伤感〗 “多情却被无情恼,今夜还如昨夜长。”
- 〖伤感〗 “依旧,依旧,人与绿杨俱瘦。”
- 〖伤感〗 “人世几回伤往事,山形依旧枕寒流。”
- 〖伤感〗 “青鸟不传云外信,丁香空结雨中愁。”
- 〖伤感〗 “桃花洞,瑶台梦,一片春愁谁与共?”
- 〖伤感〗 “不道愁人不喜听。空阶滴到明。”
- 〖伤感〗 “杜诗韩笔愁来读,似倩麻姑痒处搔。”
- 〖伤感〗 “立尽黄昏泪几行,一片鸦啼月。”
- 〖伤感〗 “明月,明月,胡笳一声愁绝。”
- 〖伤感〗 “断肠片片飞红,都无人管,倩谁唤、流莺声住。”
- 〖伤感〗 “情似游丝,人如飞絮。泪珠阁定空相觑。”